恭喜Syed成功找到Accounts Payable工作

恭喜Syed在一家悉尼公司找到了Accounts Payable的工作,Syed之前有两年的事业空白期,因此他一直找不到本地工作。在经过白金的培训和实习后,他积累了澳洲本地的会计经验,成功开启了在澳洲的会计职业生涯。 Syed很乐意与我们分享他的这段经历:
Dear Everyone,

Hope you are doing well.

We have some more good news about our intern Syed who recently secured an Accounts Payable role in a Sydney business.

Syed was struggling and was worried he couldn’t land any accounting job since there was 2-year gap in his resume. That’s why he decided to join our program to update his accounting knowledge and skills to remain current and relevant for the job hunting process.

After joining Platinum's Accounting Training and Internship program, he was able to secure interviews. Soon after he finally got an Accounts Payable role to build up his accounting career.  

We hope his experience can inspire your job hunting as well. Please look through his feedback to get some useful tips for your interview preparation. Taking the initiative in your job hunting is crucial to get your accounting career started!

Platinum Professional Training, a fast and simple way to a career success.
From: Syed   
Sent: Saturday, 24 September 2016, 8:42 PM
To: Ollie
Subject: Feedback  

Hi Ollie

I don't remember all of the question as my interview lasted for 40 minutes but i can definitely tell you some core question which i remember.

1. What managment style are you comfortable working with?
2. Tell me about the incident you find discrepancy in invoice and how dealt with it in respect of customer service?
3. How much autonomy you like to have in your role?
4. What checks and controls are must to look in payable process?
5. Do you feel you are the suitable candidate for this role?
6. What were your achievement in your previous role?

Hope this would be useful information for the interns .

Kindest Regard,


If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us!

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