[Brisbane] 有多少人知道QLD钓到鲤鱼是不允许带回家的 (请看钓点)

can i ask where is the location please?
how come never reply where is the location.....
hey where did you catch carp??
pengw 发表于 2014-10-18 11:25
因为location不好解释,只要是淡水,并且不是特别深。基本上就都能掉到鲤鱼和乌龟。就是随便一个不起眼的小 ...

我尝试在north pine river dam 钓, 可是都钓没有。 sigh. Thats what I want to know the photo that you post, where is it exactly, so I can go there .
carl1985 发表于 2014-11-3 10:20
钓点是: Wyaralong lake,在布里斯班的南边,不需要鱼证

湖里全是欧洲鲤鱼,还有一些罗非,但是不多,也 ...

thanks mate!

pengw 发表于 2014-10-23 06:36
我在Lake wivenhole 的 Hamon cove钓到过。 用的鱼饵是coles卖的最便宜的面包。然后用假饵也钓上过。就是那 ...

thank you too!!

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